Vol 3 No 1 (2025)

The Role of Christian Clerics in Promoting Good Governance in Nigeria: The Case of Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State

Elijah Egbele
Delta State University
Peter Ottuh
Delta State University
Published February 26, 2025
  • Christian Clerics,
  • Good Governance,
  • Nigeria,
  • Ughelli,
  • Delta State
How to Cite
Egbele, E., & Ottuh, P. (2025). The Role of Christian Clerics in Promoting Good Governance in Nigeria: The Case of Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State. Advances in Law, Pedagogy, and Multidisciplinary Humanities, 3(1), 139-152. Retrieved from


The Ughelli North Local Government Area is grappling with a severe socio-political crisis, driven by unjust and anti-people leadership. In Nigeria, where there is a high concentration of churches, Christianity holds significant sway over society. Religion, as a powerful social influence, is deeply embedded in human consciousness, shaping behavior—especially among leaders. Historically, religion has been used to manipulate social, political, and economic systems, with its influence evident in ancient Israel, Europe, and the Middle Ages. Christianity has also played a role in fueling the expansion of capitalist ideology and has contributed to Europe’s economic development. In Ughelli North LGA, the Church’s misguided involvement in politics undermines its prophetic and ecclesiastical role as a moral watchdog, drawing parallels to the situation in Europe prior to Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation. If left unchecked, the current socio-political instability in the local government could escalate into complete anarchy.


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