Vol 3 No 1 (2025)

The Implications Of 1timothy 5: 3-10 For Widow’s Care and Empowerment in Anglican Diocese of Ughelli

John Onoriode Akemor
Delta State University
Festus Omosor
Delta State University
Published February 26, 2025
  • 1 Timothy 5:3-10,
  • Widow,
  • Care, Empowerment,
  • Anglican Diocese,
  • Ughelli
How to Cite
Akemor, J., & Omosor, F. (2025). The Implications Of 1timothy 5: 3-10 For Widow’s Care and Empowerment in Anglican Diocese of Ughelli. Advances in Law, Pedagogy, and Multidisciplinary Humanities, 3(1), 121-138. Retrieved from


Within the context of the Anglican Diocese of Ughelli, this article investigates the implications of 1 Timothy 5:3-10 for the care and empowerment of widows within the congregation. This biblical passage not only emphasizes the need to provide widows with both spiritual and financial support but also outlines guidelines for the church’s role in caring for them. The study evaluates the effectiveness of existing methods and proposes areas for improvement. A descriptive method was employed, and interviews were conducted with widows, church officials, non-church leaders, and other respondents within the Anglican Diocese of Ughelli. The research revealed that, although the church plays a significant role in assisting widows, there are opportunities to enhance their empowerment through skill development, economic support, and deeper community engagement. The study concludes by advocating for improvements in how the Anglican Church cares for widows, ensuring that its practices align more closely with biblical teachings.


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