Vol 3 No 1 (2025)

Climate change, Environment Justice Degradation, Environmental Rights and Social Equity

Alex Abang Ebu
University of Calabar
Published February 22, 2025
  • Climate change,
  • Environment Justice Degradation,
  • Environmental Rights,
  • Social Equity
How to Cite
Ebu, A. (2025). Climate change, Environment Justice Degradation, Environmental Rights and Social Equity. Advances in Law, Pedagogy, and Multidisciplinary Humanities, 3(1), 105-120. Retrieved from


The world today is faced with the reality of changing climate conditions and degrading of the ecology that is of great concern to humanity. This concerns include gas flaming, oil spillage, fossil fuel burning, deforestation, flood, air pollution and atmospheric ozone layer depletion among others which result in climate charge or global warming. The purpose of this paper is therefore is to examine climate change issues and environmental justice in Niger Delta Region in Nigeria. The paper adopted doctrinal research approach with data collected from journal articles, textbooks, United Nations environmental programme reports, government records, internet and newspapers. The findings of this research showed that gas flaring and oil spillage impacted on the poor and under-privileged people, especially from Ogoni communities in Niger Delta Region. These under-privileged people also suffer environmental health hazards and social injustices. The study concluded by suggesting that establishment of environmental justice policy would promote social equity, clean and healthy environment in Niger Delta Region.


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