Vol 3 No 1 (2025)

The Nexus Between Security, Human Development, and Economic Stability: Addressing Insecurity as a Threat to National Growth in Nigeria

Charles Berebon
University of Delta
Published January 10, 2025
  • Security,
  • Human Development,
  • Economic Stability,
  • Insecurity,
  • Nigeria
How to Cite
Berebon, C. (2025). The Nexus Between Security, Human Development, and Economic Stability: Addressing Insecurity as a Threat to National Growth in Nigeria. Advances in Law, Pedagogy, and Multidisciplinary Humanities, 3(1), 28-47. Retrieved from


Community insecurity in Nigeria raises critical human, economic, and political security concerns that demand attention from scholars and policymakers on a global scale. The complexity of these issues has led to the adoption of various security strategies, ranging from localized self-help security arrangements and community policing initiatives to joint security task forces at state and federal levels. Despite these efforts, the root causes of insecurity—such as social inequality, marginalization, weak institutions, human rights abuses, bad governance, poverty, globalization, militarization of migration, constitutional violations, and pervasive corruption—continue to exacerbate the situation. This study seeks to explore the emerging threats posed by community insecurity to human, economic, and political stability in Nigeria. The research employs a qualitative approach, utilizing library-based techniques to gather data and analyze the multifaceted dimensions of the problem. The findings emphasize that security and development are not mutually exclusive but are instead deeply interdependent. Addressing one without the other risks perpetuating the cycle of insecurity and underdevelopment. To tackle these issues effectively, the study suggests that a more robust and inclusive approach is necessary. A stronger engagement between security providers and local communities is paramount. This engagement must foster trust and cooperation, ensuring that security measures align with the unique needs and dynamics of individual communities. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of addressing the systemic issues that fuel insecurity. This includes reforming institutions to strengthen governance, promoting social and economic inclusion, upholding human rights, and combating corruption at all levels. Addressing Nigeria's insecurity challenges requires a holistic strategy that goes beyond immediate responses to crises. It demands a long-term commitment to building resilient communities through sustainable development and effective governance. Collaborative efforts involving state actors, local communities, and international partners are essential to creating a secure and stable environment conducive to economic growth and social cohesion.



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