Vol 3 No 1 (2025)

Farmer-Herder Conflicts and Food Security in North-central Nigeria

Paul Terngu Haaga
Federal University of Lafia
Peter Echewija Sule
Federal University of Lafia
Philip Adah Idachaba
Federal University of Lafia
Bisong Ekpang Bisong
Centre for the Study Economies of Africa (CSEA), Abuja
Published January 10, 2025
  • Conflict,
  • Farmer-Herder,
  • Food, Insecurity,
  • North-central
How to Cite
Haaga, P., Sule, P., Idachaba, P., & Bisong, B. (2025). Farmer-Herder Conflicts and Food Security in North-central Nigeria. Advances in Law, Pedagogy, and Multidisciplinary Humanities, 3(1), 1-17. Retrieved from


This study is aimed at exploring the nexus between farmer-herder conflicts and food security in North-central Nigeria. Of all the major drivers of food insecurity in the world, conflict ranks topmost. In the last decade, farmer-herder conflicts have become one of the defining conflicts in Nigeria with North-Central Nigeria as its hotbed. As a region with about the most significant agricultural prospect in the country, it becomes imperative to study the nexus between the conflict it is engulfed in and the agricultural prospects the region has. the objectives of the study included to: analyse the existing reality of food (in)security in North Central Nigeria; highlight the trajectory of food (in)security in North Central Nigeria over the last two decades and into the coming decade; establish the nexus between the farmer-herder conflicts and food insecurity in North Central Nigeria and determine how this affects the food and livestock value chains; and develop a framework for conflict mitigation and food security for the future. The area of the study covers Benue, Plateau, Nasarawa and Niger states in North-central Nigeria. The study adopted a mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative) approaches for the purpose of triangulation. While a thematic approach and analysis of storylines would be used for the qualitative part of the study, an ex post facto research design would be adopted for the quantitative aspect. The findings showed that there is a logical and necessary connection between the conflicts and food insecurity in the area of study. In fact, the more the crises, the greater the chances of food insecurity. The study made recommendations for mitigation of crises to forestall further deepening of food insecurity in the area of study and Nigeria, in general.


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