• Nuraliyah Ayu Salsabila Yunus Sastra Inggris, Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Rusdiah Ayu Salsabila Rusdiah Sastra Inggris, Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Abdollah Ayu Salsabila Abdollah Sastra Inggris, Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Code Switching, NSS Episode, Youtube


The Researcher analyzed the data used the qualitative descriptive method. Descriptive analysis was used for data collection in this research. Data captured on CXO Media YouTube channel for NSS episodes 1-10. The theory proposed by Hoffman (1991) and Suwito (1985). The data were utterances from video transcriptions. Video transcripts were analyzed to determine the type of code-switching, and video column comments were analyzed to select viewer comments related to the guest star's use of code-switching in the video. The researcher has established inter-sentential code switching, intra-sentential code switching, emblematic switching (tag switching), external and internal code switching in video. The results of this investigation showed that the types of intra-sentential code-switching there are 78 utterances found in the guest stars of NSS episodes 1–10 was the dominant type used by guest stars. The researcher also found that positive comments were the most dominant among the comments from viewers who watched guest star videos.


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